1. A Sun Rose Over Mecca
We travel back to the era of ignorance. Here, we witness how everything changed with the birth of a special baby. Additionally, we learn about the Prophet’s family. Moreover, we understand the importance of saying “aleyhisselâm” when his name is mentioned.
2. The Youth with Noble Character
In the second book, we see our Prophet growing up. He becomes a loved and trusted adult. Furthermore, we revisit the days of trade with his uncle Abu Talib. This helps us understand how he earned everyone’s respect.
3. The Arbitration of the Kaaba
We explore the time when our Prophet met and married Hazrat Khadijah. We also discover why he was called “Al-Amin” (The Trustworthy). Additionally, we learn about the placement of the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad).
4. The First Revelation
This book tells the story of the first command to “read” received by our Prophet in the Cave of Hira. During this process, we learn about revelation, creation, and generosity. Finally, we delve into the beginning of prophethood.
5. The Invitation
We witness our Prophet’s mission to spread the oneness of Allah. We also meet the first Muslims. Additionally, we learn about the challenges faced by those who did not believe. Moreover, we discover details about the first prayer in the Kaaba.
6. Difficult Years
This book covers the persecution of Muslims by the Quraysh of Mecca. It also narrates the time known as the “Year of Sorrow”. In this period, we see the passing of the Prophet’s wife, Hazrat Khadijah, and his uncle, Abu Talib.
7. The Migration
We explore the Prophet’s migration. Additionally, we recount the extraordinary event in the Cave of Thawr with Hazrat Abu Bakr.
8. Days in Medina
The book focuses on the brotherhood between Muslims from Medina and Mecca. It also covers the Battles of Badr and Uhud. Furthermore, it includes details about the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
9. The Conquest of Mecca
This book highlights the conquest of Mecca and the mercy shown by our Prophet. Additionally, it discusses the breaking of idols in the Kaaba. Finally, it covers the first Adhan by Hazrat Bilal from the Kaaba.
10. Farewell
This book discusses the growth of the Islamic state. It also includes the Prophet’s farewell sermon at Mount Arafat. Lastly, it touches upon his passing.
Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren with the Prophet’s Morality
In our series, grandparents raise their grandchildren with the Prophet’s morality. They provide an example for all parents. Moreover, the stories convey important moral and educational messages to children.
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